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Headshot of Marc Roman, LMFT

Marc Roman, LMFT

Telehealth Available

LICENSED IN: California

Pronouns: He/him/his

Therapy Style: Collaborative, Solution-Oriented, Strengths-Based

My journey to becoming a psychotherapist began when I was thirteen years old. I remember listening to my radio every night just as I was falling asleep. It wasn’t music I was listening to, but a psychologist who ran a call-in talk program. Troubled listeners would call in seeking the good doctor’s advice and in just a few minutes time, they were soon at ease by her reassuring words. I thought, “What a wonderful job that must be; to help so many people in feeling heard and connected with a caring human being. I’d like to do that too!” The same issues that plagued those callers are still around today; feeling alone, confused, different, unloved, a sense of hopelessness. The list goes on. What inspires me to work in mental health care is my desire to help make the lives of others much easier, less burdened, more worth living.

To make certain that my clients feel accurately heard and understood, I check in with them often throughout our sessions. This can be done by sharing with them what I think I heard them say and then by checking in with them to make sure this is fairly accurate or if I was off the mark. I learned long ago that if I don’t get it quite right, my client’s are quick to correct me! This is usually a positive. If I get it wrong and seek clarification, it’s my hope that I convey my genuine interest in my client’s experience and that they are worth the extra effort to be understood.

Trust and a strong therapeutic alliance between client and therapist are two aspects of therapy I find to be essential for meaningful work to take place. I do this by starting and ending sessions at our agreed upon time, curating a mutually agreed upon treatment plan and perhaps most of all, relating with all of my clients as my equals. I see ours as a dimly lit journey we’re walking together. Our only difference is, I am carrying the lantern helping us to see ahead. When appropriate, I’ve even been known to share a personal story involving myself if that story will help drive home a particular point.

Lic # 97320

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

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